Home Learning Ideas
On this page (just underneath this text) you will find the Nursery and Reception home learning idea for you to try at home. Also in this section, just to the right of this box you can find additional home learning ideas and website links for you to have a go at if you would like anything additional to do.
If the school has to shut for extreme weather (snow for example) or other unforeseen reasons, the children can continue their learning with these activities.
Please note that we are currently providing home learning via the Seesaw app/website - activities and feedback will be provided from Seesaw and wont necessarily be updated from here. Please email your class teacher or admin@stluke.sch.je if you are having difficulty with the Seesaw app. Also please inform your class teacher if you need to update or add your current email address as we are currently using the information you provided on your most recent school data form. Many thanks.