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St Luke's School

St Luke's School


St Luke's worked with Dr Graham Ramsden to develop our Counter Bullying Programme. 

Several of our parents also worked with Mrs Hepworth and Dr Ramsden in developing some of the materials that we use.

To tackle bullying we take a whole school approach: 

  • Everyone in school contributes to the culture of endorsing a more  bully-free environment
  • Both the child who bullies and the child being bullied will get support

Aims of the Counter Bullying :

  • To approach the management of bullying from a different perspective
  • Develop a greater understanding of what bullying is and is not and how best to deal with it.
  • To utilise the school’s greatest resource in managing bullying – its pupils
  • Use new resources and measure their effectiveness
  • Involve parents more directly in managing the situation
  • Emphasising the need to help the bully as much as the victim - pity not punish

Facts driving this :

  • About 50% of people say that they were bullied at some point during school in UK and USA.
  • Year 5 is the most prevalent year for bullying to take place
  • Secondary school bullying can have longer lasting effects on both the bully and the victim
  • Children who bully are twice as likely to suffer long term mental health issues than their victims
  • Bullying is one of many social problem solving tools some children use
  • The greatest resource in managing bullying is other children

Parents as Partners

  • Being aware of the new leaflets being used: see attachments below.
  • Working in partnership with school to reduce bullying
  • Accept that children who bully need as much help as the victims do (if not more) .
  • Attend school requests to talk about the incident (as a parents of a bully as well as those of a victim)
  • If your child uses bullying methods to cope, teach them better ways to manage their feelings condemning or ‘over-punishing’ them makes the situation worse. If you feel the need to punish – use ‘appropriate consequences’.

If your child has been bullying others

  • Don’t panic – help is at hand
  • Reassure your child that you will be helping them change their behaviours
  • Understand that school will profile them to see where they may need to be helped 

What can your child expect?

  • An assembly exploring bullying
  • Some class work around bullying
  • Guidelines on how to manage a  bullying situation
  • Complete a baseline questionnaire (Y3-6) at school

If they are being Bullied?

  • Encouraged to tell someone
  • Given a leaflet to bring home
  • Supported through friendship groups
  • Given opportunities to talk when needed

If they have Bullied someone?

  • Dealt with in a supportive manner
  • Given a leaflet to bring home
  • Asked to complete a EI questionnaire to help identify what help they will most benefit from
  • Placed on an emotional support plan
  • Encouraged to talk about their progress

Reading recommendation:

The Bully in the Greenhouse: Why children bully others and what school –  John Catt Bookshop UK

Available on Amazon/Book shops