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St Luke's School

St Luke's School

Health & Safety

Please find below St Luke's school Health & safety information.

Government/CYPES Health & Safety Policies may be updated throughout the year.  This web page is updated annually.  For the latest updates for Government/CYPES policies please visit: 


Please find the Workplace Safety Plan & Safe Return to work Risk Assessment attached below.

The research findings currently indicate that children have a lower rate of symptomatic infections than adults. The latest World Health Organisation (WHO) report states that the risk of transmission from child to child seems low, “For most Covid-19 infections in children, an adult was the source of infection”

Your child will be hand washing regularly throughout the day – please talk to them about thorough hand cleaning and hygiene expectations. Videos demonstrating these can be found on

Checklist for parents and carers 

  1. Monitor your child’s health and keep them home from school if they are ill.
  2. Teach and model good hygiene practices for your children:
  • Explain that they should wash their hands with soap and water frequently. As a minimum, children should wash their hands, on leaving home, before and after eating, after using any shared equipment / resources, after using the toilet, after sneezing or coughing and on returning home
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitiser (with 60-70% alcohol content). Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
  • Ensure waste (such as used tissues) is safely collected, stored and disposed of.
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth, nose.
  1. 1. SLK - Health & Safety Policy - 2024
    DOCX File
  2. 1. Minimum standards for Health & Safety
    PDF File
  3. 1. P Workplace Health and Safety Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  4. 1. H and S Corporate Governance
    PDF File
  5. 2. SLK - Asbestos Management Policy - 2024
    PDF File
  6. 2. Management of Asbestos - Minimum Standard - FINAL
    PDF File
  7. 3. Control of Contractors Minimum Standard
    PDF File
  8. 3. P Management of Contractors on Site 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  9. 4. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  10. 4. COSHH-Minimum Standard-2022 FINAL
    PDF File
  11. 5. Display Screen Equiptment (DSE) Policy
    PDF File
  12. 6. P Fire and Emergency Policy 20160129 NJ (1)
    PDF File
  13. 6. SLK - Fire Drill Guidance
    PDF File
  14. 7. P First Aid Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  15. 7. SLK First Aid Policy
    PDF File
  16. 7.1 SLK - Head injury notice
    PDF File
  17. 7.2 First Aiders - sign - 2023
    PDF File
  18. 9. SLK Lone Worker Policy - 2023
    PDF File
  19. 9. P Lone Worker Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  20. 10. SLK - Manual Handling Policy - 2023
    PDF File
  21. 10. Manual Handling - Minimum Standard - 2022 FINAL
    PDF File
  22. 10. P Manual Handling Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  23. 11. Occupational Health - Assessment and Surveillance Minimum Standard FINAL
    PDF File
  24. 12. SLK - Parent and Carer Code of Conduct - 2023
    PDF File
  25. 12. SLK - Prevention and Management of violence & aggression
    PDF File
  26. 12. Violence and Aggression - Minimum Standard - 2022 FINAL
    PDF File
  27. 12.a. P Accident and Incident Reporting Policy 20190821 PH
    PDF File
  28. 13. Risk Assessment Minimum Standard 2021
    PDF File
  29. 13. SLK - Managing Risk Assessment Policy - 2023
    PDF File
  30. 25. Swimming Risk Management Policy 20161024 RB
    PDF File
  31. 26. SLK - Adverse Weather Conditions Policy
    PDF File
  32. 26. SLK - Adverse Weather Conditions RA
    PDF File
  33. 14. Slips and Trips - Minimum Standard
    PDF File
  34. 15. Working at Height Minimum Standard 2021
    PDF File
  35. 16. Administration of Medicines in Schools 20170504 NJ
    PDF File
  36. 16.a. Medication form (Website)
    PDF File
  37. 16.b. SLK - Administration of Medicines in School
    PDF File
  38. 16.c. Medication - extract from school handbook.123673636
    PDF File
  39. 17. Child Growth Measurement Review Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  40. 18. Design and Technology Health and Safety Operational Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  41. 18.a. SLK - D&T - EYFS Workbench
    PDF File
  42. 18.b. SLK - D&T - Forest & Beach Schools Guidelines
    PDF File
  43. 19. SLK Educational visits policy - 2023
    PDF File
  44. 19. Educational Visits Policy 20181025 NJ
    PDF File
  45. 20. Electricity at Work Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  46. 20. PAT Test Guidance notes
    PDF File
  47. 21. Minibus Policy 20191212 JP
    PDF File
  48. 22. Physical Education Safety Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  49. 22. SLK - Safe Practice in PE & Sport Policy - 2023
    PDF File
  50. 22.1 SLK - Football Risk Assessment
    PDF File
  51. 22.2 SLK - PE indoors Risk Assessment
    PDF File
  52. 23. P Procurement of Playframes Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  53. 24. Science Health and Safety Operational Policy 20160129 NJ
    PDF File
  54. 24.1 SLK - Scince RA - Safety in Action
    PDF File
  55. 24.2 SLK - Science RA - Recycle Centre
    PDF File
  56. 24.3 SLK - Science RA - Woodlands Farm
    PDF File
  57. 24.4 safety-in-science
    PDF File