Adverse Weather Conditions Policy - updated
With the temperature dropping and us entering the time of year where we may experience adverse weather conditions, we would like to prepare ourselves.
As the weather turns colder we have updated our school "Adverse Weather Conditions" policy.
A brief summary of the policy is:
In the event of school not being able to open please be aware of the following:
Decision not to open Schools
If conditions deteriorate overnight a decision for the school not to open will be taken and an announcement will be made as follows:
- the BBC will be informed and they will carry a message on the broadcasts of Radio Jersey between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.
- Channel Television will also carry newsflashes during broadcast hours.
- Channel 103 will also carry newsflashes during broadcast hours.
- Log on to .
- As a school we will inform you via our school website ( and on our Facebook page
Closure when a School is In Session
If due to severe weather conditions we are forced to close the school before the normal time, an announcement will be made on Radio Jersey and Channel 103 and we will inform you via our school website ( and on our Facebook page. We would request that children are collected as promptly as possible. Parents are advised to listen to Radio Jersey broadcasts for announcements regarding the re-opening of schools should bad conditions persist. Updates will also appear on the States’ website, school website ( and on our Facebook page.