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St Luke's School

St Luke's School


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  • 27/09/18

    2018 French Trip - Day 4

    More photos from France - all still having an amazing time!
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  • 25/09/18

    Year 6 French Trip 2018 - picnic at Ambrierre

    Pictures from today (Tue) in France.  All having a fabulous time!
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  • 25/09/18

    Year 6 French Trip 2018

    Year 6 have arrived safe and well.  Smooth crossing to France.   All slept well last night and are up, dressed and having breakfast!
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  • 08/07/18

    New News Story

    Children can come to school in their PE kits if that’s cooler for them. Please also remember hats, sunscreen and water bottles. 
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  • 18/06/18

    New News Story

    Year 4 Crabbe photo's have been added!
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  • 28/02/18

    School Closed Tomorrow (Thursday 1st March)

    The forecast is for significant snow from 3am combined with strong winds and followed by freezing rain.
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  • 28/02/18

    Be careful of the ice patches!

    We have a burst water pipe at our front entrance. Mr Clark has put salt on the frozen puddles but please be careful coming into school.
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  • 23/02/18

    Friday 2nd March = Dress up as Book Character.  £1 donation

    Dress-down day - Friday 2nd March  As part of our World Book Day celebrations we will be dressing up as book characters on Friday next week. £1 donations. If your child doesn't like dressing up or you don't have a costume then own clothes are fine - PLEASE DON'T GO OUT AND BU...
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  • 06/02/18

    Adverse Weather Conditions Policy - updated

    With the temperature dropping and us entering the time of year where we may experience adverse weather conditions, we would like to prepare ourselves.
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