All children have returned to school - to avoid gatherings of adults please read the adapted start and finish time for each class.
Class Specific information:
Upper Phase (Yr4, Yr5 & Yr6)
Wherever possible, we ask children in the Upper Phase to make their own way to/from school each day. Parents/Guardians will not be permitted onto school grounds. If there is no alternative and children are needing to be driven to school, we ask that parents use the car park opposite Georgetown Co-op to pull in to drop and collect. Please do not park and escort your children (as we are wanting to avoid a gathering of adults at the school gates). Mr Clark will be on road crossing duties to ensure they cross the road safely.
Middle Phase (Yr2 & Yr3)
Wherever possible, we ask parents & children in the Middle Phase socially distance when entering school grounds – please be patient if there is a queue (as we are wanting to avoid a gathering of adults at the school gates).
Early Phase (Nursery, Reception & Yr1)
Wherever possible, we ask parents & children in the Early Phase to socially distance when entering school grounds – please be patient if there is a queue (as we are wanting to avoid a gathering of adults at the school gates). If possible please try to avoid bringing pushchairs or buggies to school.
Staggered return
Following direction from the Education Department, we have been asked to stagger the return of all classes to enable testing of our traffic management and school return Risk Assessments, ensuring all children and adults are safe. Timings and entry/exit requirements are listed for each class below.
Monday 22nd June:
- Year 6 whole class = in Yr6 classroom (enter & exit via Rectory door). Based in the Yr6 classroom. Entrance and Exit via the School Rectory gates (opposite Howard Davis Park).
Doors open at 8:30am and children finish at 3pm.Friday: children finish at 12:30pm.
- Essential/Critical Worker group = EYFS/Yr1 bubble in EYFS Unit, Yr2/Yr3 bubble in Yr2 classroom (enter & exit via playground), Yr4/Yr5 bubble in Yr5 classroom (enter & exit via school front door).
Tuesday 23rd June:
- Year 2 whole class return. Based in the Yr2 classroom. Enter through the gates and go to the outside classroom door at 8:45am (parents please do not come into class) and Exit via the School playground at 2:40pm. Friday: children finish at 12:10pm.
- Essential/Critical Worker group = EYFS/Yr1 bubble in EYFS Unit & Yr4/Yr5 bubble in Yr5 classroom (enter & exit via school front door).
Wednesday 24th June:
- Year 3 whole class return. Based in the Yr3 classroom. Enter through the school front door at 8:30am (parents please do not come into class) and Exit via the School playground at 2:50pm. Friday: children finish at 12:20pm.
- Essential/Critical Worker group = EYFS/Yr1 bubble in EYFS Unit
Thursday 25th June:
- Year 4 whole class return. Based in the Yr4 classroom. Enter through the school front door at 8:45am and Exit via the School playground gates at 3pm. Friday: children finish at 12:30pm.
- Essential/Critical Worker group = EYFS/Yr1 bubble in EYFS Unit
Friday 26th June:
- Year 5 whole class return. Based in the Yr5 classroom. Enter through the school front door at 8:30am and Exit via the School Rectory gates (opposite Howard Davis Park) at 2:45pm. Friday: children finish at 12:15pm.
- Friday: children finish at 12pm.
- Essential/Critical Worker group = EYFS/Yr1 bubble in EYFS Unit
Monday 29th June:
- Year 1 whole class return. Based in the Yr1 classroom. Enter through the Year 1 Outside area at 9am (parents please do not come into class) and Exit via the Year 1 Outside area at 2:30pm.
- Reception whole class return. Based in the EYFS unit. Enter and exit through the Nursery/Reception outside gate (was previously the Breakfast club entrance) at 8:30am (parents please do not come into class) and Exit at 2:30pm. Friday: children finish at 12pm.
- Essential/Critical Worker group = Nursery in EYFS Unit
Tuesday 30th June:
- Nursery Whole class return. Based in the EYFS unit. Enter and exit through the Nursery/Reception outside gate (was previously the Breakfast club entrance) at 8:45am (parents please do not come into class) and Exit at 2:15pm. Friday: children finish at 11:50am.
To enable children to have a clean change of clothes each day they will be able to come in wearing non-uniform. Please may we ask that children wear clothes that are appropriate rather than a fashion show/party clothes. They will be outside as much as possible – shorts/tee-shirt are preferable. No open toed sandals/flip flops – trainers please. Sun cream needs to be applied before they come to school & they will need sunhats each day.
Mobile Phones
These will be collected in by class teachers each day and stored in the teachers desk. As per normal school requirements we ask that phones are set to silent or turned off as children enter school grounds. We do not encourage children to bring in phones unless it is essential. Reminder: Pupils are fully responsible for their phones - school does not take any responsibility for any loss or damage.
Children will eat their packed lunch in their classrooms – please ensure that they have any spoons etc they might need for yoghurts as we will be unable to provide school cutlery.
Online Seesaw app
Classes will be using the Seesaw app to set and feedback on homework.
The children will still receive English and Maths lessons, as well as the other curriculum areas, however the children’s timetable has been adapted using a “Recovery Curriculum” which ensures that Well-being has a priority, as well as lots of opportunities to be outside, enabling any anxieties, worries or concerns to be explored and eased.